
Writing about the workshop production at Urban Stages last season, America Oggi called IN SPITE OF MYSELF “hilarious…LaVecchia is engaging, exciting and unpredictable.” Enthusiastic audience members called LaVecchia “an Italian Whoopi Goldberg!”
New York Times (Neil Genzlinger): "As the piece opens [Ms. LeVecchia] gives birth to herself, something that has to be seen to be appreciated…Inspired!"
CurtainUp (Amanda Cooper): "LaVecchia is a stellar actress! [She offers] carefully layered caricatures, balancing the quirky with the poignant." Talkin' Broadway (Matthew Murray): "Hilarious! Huge laughs!" "Endearing characterizations and comedy… sharply performed"
America Oggi (Mario Fratti): "Quando il teatro italoamericano diventa universale: il bellissimo monologo di Antoinette LaVecchia sul rapporto tra una madre italiana e la figlia americana.....Fin dai primi istanti del monologo si ha la sensazione che li al centro di un piccolo teatro, quella piccola donna voglia darci molto di piu.....Le relazioni madre-figlia si confondono, si sovrappongono, si allontano, si riconciliano grazie ad un filo misterioso di conflittualita e fusione. E ogni istante di questo spettacolo, anche nei suoi momenti piu ilari, cela una struggente domanda dicomprensione.....Rimane impressa questa figura di donna che recita da sola - al centro di un teatro, come dentro un ventre materno."
In Spite of Myself written by and starring Antoinette LaVecchia directed by Jesse Berger September 3 - 27, 2003
IN SPITE OF MYSELF is about the outrageous, hysterical and, ultimately moving struggle between an immigrant Italian mother and her Americanized daughter. Their dialogue is interrupted by colorful Italian-American characters that support and enlighten the universal mother/daughter relationship.
The author and star of the show is Antoinette LaVecchia, an actress who has appeared at Urban Stages in David Simpatico’s MACS, and last season’s hit THE SWEEPERS. Other recent theater credits include Keith Reddin’s ALMOST BLUE (“LaVecchia exudes sensuality…looking like a 1960s Italian screen goddess” – American Theater Web) and KIMBERLY AKIMBO at Manhattan Theater Club. Film and television credits include JESUS' SON (with Billy Crudup), DIRTY LAUNDRY (with Tess Harper), as well as “Law & Order” and “One Life To Live”. The director will be Jesse Berger, who recently directed the highly acclaimed production of PERICLES at the Culture Project.